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A Time For Christmas [CD]

Celtic Fiddlers

Ablaze [CD]

Signed Wasyl Popadiuk

Ablaze [CD]

Wasyl Popadiuk

All Aboard! [CD]

Scott Woods

Balquebec (2 CDs) [CD]

Andrea Capezzuoli e Compagnia

Blazing Fiddles [CD]

Signed Blazing Fiddles

Blazing Fiddles [CD]

Signed Blazing Fiddles

Blazing Fiddles: Classics [CD]

Blazing Fiddles

Dance Hall [CD]

Mike Hall

Don Messer's Violin [CD]

Frank Leahy

Echo [CD]

Jacinthe Trudeau

Fergus Fiddler [CD]

Scott Woods

Fiddle Magic [CD]

Signed Scott Woods

Fiddle Magic [CD]

Scott Woods

Fiddle Music 101 [CD]

MacIsaac & MacIsaac

From the Heart of Glengarry [CD]

Ashley MacLeod

House Party [CD]


Il y Avait Des Pelicans [CD]

Mireille Proulx

Island Treasure Vol. 1 [CD]

Sandy MacIntyre

Les Diables du Folklore [CD]

Stephan Cyr, Francois Dumas

Live and Otherwise [CD]

Calgary Fiddlers

Live on the Grand [CD]

Signed The Blazing Fiddles

Live on the Grand [CD]

The Blazing Fiddles

Lookin' Back [CD]

John Dezamba

Melange [CD]

Pierre Schryer

Melange [CD]

Pierre Schryer

Mystification [CD]

Renee Doucet

Old Time Christmas [CD]

Scott Woods

Right At Home [CD]

Robbie & Isaac Fraser

Sessions - Music from The Baddeck Gathering Ceilidhs [CD]

Leann Aucoin, Colin Grant, Colin Grant

Stories & Songs [CD]

Scott Woods
