Toronto Militia District On Parade - Change of Command September 24th, 1972 [Vinyl]
Catalogue #: CSPS 2 1034
Condition: New
Sealed Vinyl LP.
Change of Command from Colonel A.E. Neal, CD to Colonel R.W. Lewis, CD
March on the Bugle and Drums of the Queen's Own Rifles of Canada
March on the Brass and Reed Band of the Royal Regiment of Canada
March on the Pipes and Drums of the 48th Highlanders of Canada
March on the Units of the Toronto Militia Districts (The Governor General's Horse Guards, The Ontario Regiment, The Queen's York Rangers 1st Americans, 7th Field Engineer Regiment RCE, The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada, The Royal Regiment of Canada, The Lorne Scots (Peel, Dufferin and Halton Regiment), The 48th Highlanders of Canada, The Toronto Scottish Regiment, The Toronto Service Battalion)
Inspection of Units
Retiring Commander's Farewell Address
Inspecting Officer Introduces the New Commander
Address by the New Commander
Presentation to the New Commander by the Retiring Commander
Departure of the Retiring Commander
Commander Takes over Parade
The Royal Anthem and The National Anthem
March Off