CD Baby

CD Baby, Inc. is an online music store specializing in the sale of CDs, vinyl records, and music downloads from independent musicians to consumers. CD Baby was founded in 1998 in Woodstock, New York, by Derek Sivers. Sivers sold CD Baby to Disc Makers in 2008.

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A Christmas Wish

Lorraine Rousseau

Adrie the Tooth Fairy

Adrie the Tooth Fairy

Adventures of Bo Segovia

Ramon Taranco



Amazing Ordinary Things

Anne McCue

American Voices Vol.2

Richard Zielinski Singers

Ancestors Eyes

David Leask

and this is how his story goes

The Outlanders


Roman Riccio

At Last

Liberty Silver

Back to Eden

Mike Mermin


Big Al

Battery of Tests

Rob Szabo

Beckett Miscellany



Mike Janzen Trio

Bending Towards the Light: Jazz Nativity

Anne Phillips et al

Blue Cholera

Jay Clark & the Jones


Tom McNeil, Thomas Ryder Payne, Parker

Buffalo Street

Cori Brewster

Busker's Waltz

Barrie Davis

Christmas Joy

Bella Voce Women's Chorus of Vermont

Christmas! The Fun & The Glory

Signed Brian Roman

Christopher Brown

Signed Items Christopher Brown

Come Together

Don Braden

Crystal Nights

Jay Patten

Dawson's Tumble

Trish Clair-Peck

Debut Album

Cedar & Spruce

Double EP

Dave Muskett

Dream of the Peaceful Warrior

Mark Stephens

Earl Owns The World

Robbie Rox


Kevin Laliberte

Ellington & Strayhorn Rediscovered

Novel Jazz Septet
