CD Baby

CD Baby, Inc. is an online music store specializing in the sale of CDs, vinyl records, and music downloads from independent musicians to consumers. CD Baby was founded in 1998 in Woodstock, New York, by Derek Sivers. Sivers sold CD Baby to Disc Makers in 2008.

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Eric St-Laurent

Eyes for You

George Evans, Reg Schwager et. al.


Blake Thomson

Fire & Gold

Elika Mahony

Floating Upstream


Fly By Night

Wendell Harrison

For Reel

Jeremiah McDade

Fringes Of The Wayside

Stephen Inglis

From the Heart of Glengarry

Ashley MacLeod

Ginger, Michael Ross

Michael Ross, Danny Jordan et al

Golden Lady

Beata Pater

Grace Sleeps

Rob Carroll

Grand Mal Indigo

Willie May

Great Falls Road

Susan Douglass Taylor

Green Man & Other Songs

Signed Malcolm Guite

GreenChoby - Big City

Carolyn Green, Mike Choby, Khari Parker

GreenChoby - Hold the Line

Carolyn Green, Mike Choby, Khari Parker

Gypsy Boots

Leslie Satcher

Gypsy Fiddler

Signed Items Martin Lass

Halfway to Everywhere

Robert Burton Hubele

Hall of Memories

Jenica Rayne, Mike Munro, Simon Kendall

Happy Now


Haymaker Heart

Kelly Pardekooper

Heart Sings

Pnina Blake, Brahm Goldhammer

Highway Hash

Roadkill Bill

I Can See You

Frank Horvat

I Could Laugh Out Loud

Ilana Waldston

I Got It Bad & That Ain't Good

Lisa Hearns, Keith Ingham et al

I Just Want to Get Paid

Dave Tull

I'm on My Way

Signed Elyse Saunders

Ice Cream Mission to Mars

Ice Cream Mission to Mars

Interstellar Suite

Amin Bhatia

It's Never Too Late

Robbie Hancock

Jay Linden: Satchel

Jay Linden

Jazz Concert Recorded Live: Gene Mayl's Dixieland Rhythm Kings

Gene Mayl Dixieland Rhythm Kings et. al.

Jazz for Dancers

David Leonhardt Trio

Joanie Leeds and the Nightlights: Bandwagon

Joanie Leeds and the Nightlights et. al.
