Argo Records

Argo Records was a record label founded by Harley Usill and Cyril Clarke in 1951 with the intention of recording "British music played by British artists",[1] but it became a company specialising in spoken word and other non-commercial material. Argo was bought by British Decca in 1957. The label was relaunched in 1990 as an imprint of Decca with the intent to concentrate on choral, organ, and British and American classical music. Releases continued throughout the 1990s. The last release was in 1998.

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15 Poems by Dylan Thomas [Vinyl]

Richard Burton

A Celebration of Herbert Howells [CD]

King's College Cambridge Choir

Airs By Handel [Vinyl]

Bernadette Greevy, The Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields

Baroque Brass [Vinyl]

Philip Jones Brass Ensemble

Handel: Organ Concertos Vol 2 [Tape]

George Malcolm, Neville Marriner

Harle John: Terror and Magnificence [CD]

John Harle, Elvis Costello, Sarah Leonard

Haydn: Concertos for Horn [Vinyl]

Barry Tuckwell

Hymns From King's [Vinyl]

Simon Preston, Choir of King's College Cambridge

Israel In Egypt (2 LPs) [Vinyl]

Christ Church Cathedral Oxford Choir

La Battaglia [Vinyl]

Philip Jones Brass Ensemble

Mendelssohn: Organ Works [Vinyl]

Peter Hurford, Canadian Brass

Mozart: Coronation Mass [Vinyl]

Helen Watts, Robert Tear, Ileana Cotrubas et al

Purcell Verse Anthems [Vinyl]

Lynton Atkinson

Scarlatti: St. Cecilia Mass [Vinyl]

Elizabeth Harwood; Wendy Eathorn et. al.

Schubert: Mass in E Flat [Vinyl]

Felicity Palmer, Helen Watts et. al.

Sir Cristemas [Vinyl]

Elizabethan Singers
