Jane Eaglen: Bellini, Wagner

Jane Eaglen


Janet Hilton Plays Weber

Janet Hilton


Jeg vil taende en Stjerne for dig

Annie Birgit Garde, Henning Wellejus


Johann Sebastian Bach: Mass In B Minor

Ruth Ziesak, Roberta Alexander et. al.


Johann Strauss: Die Fledermaus

Kiri Te Kanawa, Brigitte Fassbaender et. al.


Johann Strauss: Neujahrskonzert der Temeswarer Philharmoniker

Patricia Seymour, Matei Nicolescu


Johann Strauss; Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Vienna Hofburg Orchestra


Joseph Woelfl: 3 Duets for the Forte-Piano & Harp

Laure Colladant, Catherine Michel



Columbus Gay Men's Choir


Joyous Light

Isabel Bayrakdarian, Elmer Iseler Singers


Joyous Light

Signed by Isabel Bayrakdarian


Jubilate - City Wide Choir Celebrates 10th Year

Paul Grimwood, City Wide Choir - Hamilton



Robert Streckfuss



Canadian Orpheus Male Choir



High Park Choirs of Toronto



Riga Youth Choir
