In Remembrance 1850-2000

Heidelberg College Concert Choir



Burkhard Pesch, Christoph Pesch


Instruments of the Orchestra: The Oboe

Burkhard Glaetzner


Italian Flute Concertos

James Galway


J.S. Bach: Violin Concertos

Takako Nishizaki


Jagdmusik - Hunting Music

Concerto Boldog


Joh. Seb. Bach: Orgelwerke

Klaus Stehling


Johann Sebastian Bach: Mass In B Minor

Ruth Ziesak, Roberta Alexander et. al.


Johann Strauss: Neujahrskonzert der Temeswarer Philharmoniker

Patricia Seymour, Matei Nicolescu


Johann Strauss; Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Vienna Hofburg Orchestra


Karita Mattila - Kaipainen Me

J Kaipainen, Karita Mattila, Lahti Chamber Ensemble


Kennedy plays Bach

Nigel Kennedy


La Rosiere Republicaine

Martin Derungs, La Lupa, Walter Giger


Lalo: Cello Concerto; Symphonie Espagnole

Pierre Amoyal, Frederic Lodeon


Le Sieur de Sainte-Colombe

Jonathan Dunford, Sylvia Abramowicz


Le Temple Du Gout

Rubato Appassionato


Lehar: Giuditta

Richard Bonynge


Les Instruments De L'Orchestre

Yehudi Menuhin


Liszt Sonate Dante Sonat

Jean-Philippe Collard
